Γνωσιακή Βάση

Η γνωσιακή βάση δεδομένων οργανώνεται σε διαφορετικές κατηγορίες. Επιλέξτε μία κατηγορία από τις ακόλουθες ή ψάξτε στην γνωσιακή βάση δεδομένων για απάντηση στο ερώτημά σας.


Don't subscribe with a free email account (such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail)

turboSMTP will not consider subscriptions made with free email providers like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! or the likes.The reason is simple: such...
Προβολές: 72573

Have a website

The website URL field is required to set up a new turboSMTP account, but there are lots of valid options for this field. Here are some alternatives...
Προβολές: 121713

Have an unsubscribe process

When a subscriber on your list declines to receive further communications, it's called an unsubscribe. CAN-SPAM and...
Προβολές: 121590

Have your own domain as a sender

To get accepted by turboSMTP you need to use a From email address hosted at a domain that you own and can access. This will help keep your...
Προβολές: 122743

Mailing list best practice

The best way to grow an email list is to do it slowly and organically, so that the contacts are really engaged and can become the top notch...
Προβολές: 116942

Don't subscribe with a free email account (such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail)
turboSMTP will not consider subscriptions made with free email providers like Gmail,...
Προβολές: 72573
Have a website
The website URL field is required to set up a new turboSMTP account, but there are lots of valid...
Προβολές: 121713
Have an unsubscribe process
When a subscriber on your list declines to receive further communications, it's called an...
Προβολές: 121590
Have your own domain as a sender
To get accepted by turboSMTP you need to use a From email address hosted at a domain that...
Προβολές: 122743
Mailing list best practice
The best way to grow an email list is to do it slowly and organically, so that the contacts are...
Προβολές: 116942